The global spread of the coronavirus is disrupting travel. You either had to sit in a restaurant or go to a grocery store — which, by comparison, feels dramatic for just a beer. Read more: Berlin travel guide. Many of my favourite nights have unfolded sitting at one of the two tables watching the queue of leather-spandex-harness-wearing clubgoers as they tried their luck at the door. But about a year ago, KitKat became a coronavirus test centre and the line of clubbers morphed into a line of boringly dressed people waiting for a nose swab.
State Like Sleep
State Like Sleep Movie Review | Common Sense Media
Supermodel raises question: Is smoking "in" again? An actress snuck one at a park. Television's formerly highest-paid actor is rarely seen without one dangling from his mouth. Last week, Kate Moss sauntered down the runway of Louis Vuitton 's Paris fashion show, cigarette in hand.
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S moking: uggghhh. Disgusting habit - just look at that ashtray, close up, the tip of a lit cigarette poised. The smoke comes down the women's noses and out their mouths, great cauliflowery streams of it spume and swathe and spiral in Chantal Akerman's video installation Women from Antwerp in November, currently at Camden Arts Centre in London.