Amazing real orgasm

312 2 years ago
If you take pride in the quality of your lady's climax , then read on. Usually a woman's orgasm lasts around 15 seconds at best but, according to American sexperts Alan and Donna Brauer, it's possible to extend those sought-after shudders for as long as half an hour. The Brauers' Extended Sexual Orgasm ESO technique is pretty demanding, but if followed correctly can yield deeply intense marathon orgasms — as well as sporadic pleasurable contractions up to 24 hours after the act. Related: 3 ways you didn't know you could make her orgasm.
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The 13 Orgasms You’ll Never Forget

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Here's another amazing compilation of real female orgasms - Video

Speaking as a male, I can't think of anything that remotely equals the thrill of an orgasm. What's weird is that, for all the attention it receives, the male orgasm doesn't get talked about in much detail despite the fact that there can be a huge difference in intensity from one to the next. My guess is that the most women don't know this. With this information gap in mind, I set out to discover what, exactly, makes for the most bone-rattling, foundation-shaking male orgasms, and what women can do to encourage their arrival. I went straight to the experts — a few sex therapists , lots of men. It was as if they the guys, at least were just waiting for someone to ask. So here, finally, is everything you need to know about helping your guy have stronger, longer orgasms.
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Here's another amazing compilation of real female orgasms

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These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'orgasm. Send us feedback. See more words from the same year. Accessed 10 Aug. More Definitions for orgasm.
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