Should i hook up with him again

743 2 years ago
If your ex cheated on you while she was still in a relationship with you, it can signal that she is an untrustworthy woman who can never be trusted. If you can genuinely forgive her and fully trust her again, then the relationship can actually become even better than it was before. On the other hand, if your ex is a woman of bad character who enjoyed cheating on you and is more than likely going to do it again, then the answer should be pretty obvious. After all, why would you want to take back a woman who has already cheated on you and is likely to do it again? However, if your ex hooked up with another guy after she broke up with you, then the circumstances really are different.
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7 Outcomes That Happen When Girls Hook Up With Their Guy Friends

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The 5 Stages of Post-Hookup Feels

Girls, falling for a friend can seem like a great way to build a relationship. However, if you're not careful, disaster is imminent. A range of outcomes can occur, some more difficult than others. And make sure to talk to your friend about it first. It will help you avoid the weirder of the following scenarios. Regardless of whether you want a relationship after the fact, pretending it never happened can feel confusing and hurtful.
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10 reasons guys want to hook up with you but not date you

No one wants to hit up an ex flame only to hear they had a Bridgerton themed micro-wedding in quarantine. What are you hoping to get from it? Yet, being clear on your wants can save you from disappointment down the line.
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Have you ever met someone for the first time, and the chemistry was so strong you could cut it with a knife? A few laughs, great food, and several drinks later you…wake up together! What are some of the questions that were floating through your mind? Would you have sex with a woman on the first date: Simple answer would be yes. I have come to learn that there is more to it now.
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