BJ Williams murder: Grieving parents of 2yo tell court of their struggle to understand killing. The parents of a two-year-old boy who was beaten to death say they are struggling to understand how anyone could do such a thing. The prosecution said Powell took out his frustrations on the toddler after getting into a fight with the boy's mother while on drugs. Powell claimed the boy died after falling out of bed and getting wedged against a wardrobe. During sentencing submissions, the dead boy's mother, Latara Hunt, told the court the guilty verdict triggered so many questions, but most of all why Powell lied to everyone. I'll never get to hold him in my arms again.
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BJ Williams murder: Grieving parents of 2yo tell court of their struggle to understand killing
This page serves as a list of minor characters in the second season of Stranger Things. This list will include unseen and mentioned characters. Adams was a police officer working in Pittsburgh. On October 28, , he helped pursue Kali and her gang. Kali used her abilities to deceive Adams into believing a tunnel she and her group entered had collapsed so that they could escape.
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