Once or twice a month, when I'm at home on the couch with a glass of wine, I check a dating app. I have a hard time making the first move, but I can't tell you how many messages I get that bring up race right away, or the number of white guys that reach out to me with, "You're really pretty for a black girl. I had a huge crush on a white guy in my science class and — with an amount of courage that I wish I could muster as an adult — I asked him to an upcoming school dance. He turned me down, saying that he didn't like me "that way," and perhaps the deflated look on my face inspired some sort of need on his part to explain further, so he added, "I only date white girls. But just so you know, you are the prettiest black girl in school.
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‘In Italy I Kept Meeting Guys’: The Black Women Who Travel for Love
In Search Of Black-On-Black Love : Code Switch : NPR
Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Fighting Syrens by CameronRagas This book in its entirety is dedicated to victims of police brutality. Especially those didn't get the justice that they deserved.
16-Year-Old Black Teen Tells Dr. Phil She's White And Hates Black People
In December, in my half-lit bedroom, I watched the series finale of Insecure on my laptop. There was Molly in her designer wedding dress, husband on her arm. Were we being elitist?
Listen, navigating the world of dating apps is no easy feat. Especially considering just how many of them exist and how long it may take to sift through all the profiles. Receiving messages that are totally inappropriate because of your skin color. So much ugh.