It can be a little bit unnerving when someone mentions something to you that they couldn't have known, and one woman was baffled when her neighbour knew she had a new laptop - but she'd not told him. Imagine if your neighbour mentioned something to you that they couldn't possibly have known - unless they were nosying into your business. Well that happened to one woman, who then started a thread of strange next-door neighbour stories to make her feel less alone after the bizarre situation unfolded. She posted on Mumsnet asking people to share their stories, but posted her nosy neighbour tale to start the thread off. She wrote: "We have a neighbour who seems to constantly know our business without us telling him, for example last week we popped out and bought a new laptop as our old one was finished.

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Free Porn Team - Fucking in my backyard so the neighbors can hear :) [f] [m]
At p. It was different from the sound of the children who live directly overhead playing, being rambunctious, stomping around, being annoying. These were angry voices. I was in pajamas, but I opened my front door so I could hear more clearly, and I was greeted with a flurry of f-bombs. A vicious fact about living in New York City is that, except for the Russian oligarchs who rent huge apartments but never seem to occupy them, we are all crammed in here. We mass commute. We have few personal spaces and little privacy.

Risky fuck in backyard(neighbors can be heard)
There is of course the obvious solution: get some fans and point them towards the bed — but that can feel like a lot of effort. If someone spots you getting your orgasm on and reports you to the police — then yes, you can get fined or even face prosecution under other existing laws such as outraging public decency or exposure. Then again, if you can hide under a blanket and make no noise, you might be able to get away with it — but do this at your own risk. Source: Legislation.

Fucking in my backyard so the neighbors can hear : [f] [m]. Copy Link Address. Sort by: Popular Newest Longest. Net Neutrality. The water is way to cold to skinny dip, but I'll strip on the dock!