Ever had a fight with your partner over a bathroom shelf? Guess what, this man has composed a whole song describing a big shelf that he and his wife share and how even after taking most of the space, his wife wants more. In the 3. The song, in itself is quite hilarious and in a humorous way brings out the plight of this man.
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Tomoko and Mother in the Bath [1] is a photograph taken by American photojournalist W. Eugene Smith in Many commentators regard Tomoko as Smith's greatest work. The black-and-white photo depicts a mother cradling her severely deformed, naked daughter in a traditional Japanese bathroom. The mother, Ryoko Kamimura, agreed to deliberately pose the startlingly intimate photograph with Smith to illustrate the terrible effects of Minamata disease a type of mercury poisoning on the body and mind of her daughter Tomoko Kamimura. Upon publication the photo became world-famous, significantly raising the international profile of Minamata disease and the struggle of the victims for recognition and compensation.
Internet Backs Woman Who Locks Husband out of Main Bathroom Every Morning
Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. I could not believe what had happened.
In a surprising development on Wednesday night, NBA Commissioner David Stern announced that he could not enter the bathroom in his Tribeca brownstone because his wife, along with a few locked-out NBA players, locked his bathroom door and threw away the key. I am appalled at your actions, the actions of some of my players, along with the actions of our bathroom attendant, Boris. I never even see him anymore. I want my old David, and my bathroom time, back.