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Ghost Adventures

Nicolas Sarkozy - The Cut
Zak and the crew are in Las Vegas investigating the city's oldest gentlemen's club. Several tragic deaths have saturated the club with raw human emotion, creating a charged paranormal atmosphere and possibly fueling murderous behavior among employees and patrons. In , Paul Perry and his family converted the building into a bar. Various workers of the Palomino have seen apparitions lurking throughout the club. Some believe it to be an employee who was murdered here back in December of The club lays out strict warnings to customers of their haunted house theme during the month of October.

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Customized TV Listings are available here: www. Suburgatory The season wraps up with two new episodes. In the second episode, Tessa moves out. Southland As John Michael Cudlitz continues to deal with the aftermath of his abduction, Lydia Regina King goes after the kidnappers in the season finale. Guts With Michael Mosley A special camera takes viewers on a close-up tour of the inside of the human digestive tract.

Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission. Long before she was the first lady of France — even before her supermodel days and nights with Mick Jagger and Eric Clapton — Carla Bruni played the guitar. The classical folk people — Bob Dylan, of course, and Leonard Cohen.