Frank Sinatra famously said that the best revenge is massive success. I bet the women who used to brush him off when he was some chorus geek or whatever in high school felt really stupid about it a few years later. If this somehow angers you, skip the rest of this and go say something mean in the comments section. Fire up Photoshop and load a picture of the two of you together. Post passive-aggressive and ambiguous tweets and Facebook statuses.

Cc, qw KZ, sm QY, ol rh, il jb, sF MF, At Td, pE OG, PG HJ, Du Ug, OX
34 Questions You Secretly Wish You Could Ask Your Ex

70 Questions to Ask Crush - Questions to See if Crush Likes You
What did I do to deserve this treatment? Did I mean nothing? Have you asked yourself these questions at the end of a relationship? I know I have.

17 Breakup Songs You Can Use To Annihilate Your Ex
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Maybe you have lost sight of what made you fall in love, or you have reached a cosy stage of companionship that lacks fire. But is it unrealistic to expect to be in love with the same person for decades? But your lives were different then. Look anew at your partner. In a long-term relationship, what you may have lost in terms of excitement and novelty, you hopefully will have gained in security and comfort.