Maine, Washington, and Maryland voted to legalize gay unions, while Minnesota struck down a measure that would have outlawed them. In this year's general election, four states' ballots offered voters an opportunity to weigh in on marriage rights for same-sex couples. In three states, voters held the power to legalize same-sex marriage: Maryland voters chose between adopting or rejecting a new law permitting same-sex marriage, Maine voted on whether to overturn or ratify a measure that prohibited same-sex marriages, and Washington's vote was between endorsing or precluding a law similar to Maryland's that would make same-sex marriage legal and available. Minnesota, meanwhile, voted on whether to adopt a constitutional definition of marriage as a union between one man and one woman.

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Same-sex marriage in Maine

Maine Ends Ban On Marriage For Lesbian and Gay Couples | American Civil Liberties Union
Maryland and Maine voters on Tuesday approved same-sex marriage, marking the first time marriage rights have been extended to same-sex couples by popular vote. The approval was a watershed moment for gay rights activists because while same-sex unions have been legalized in six states and the District of Columbia by lawmakers or courts, voters until Tuesday had consistently rejected the issue. Voters in more than 30 states have approved constitutional bans on gay marriage. We have truly made history," said Brian Ellner, head of the pro-gay marriage group The Four. In Maryland, the gay-marriage measure passed 52 percent to 48 percent, with 93 percent of precincts reporting. In Maine, it was leading by 54 percent to 46 percent, with more than 62 percent of precincts reporting. And in Washington, it was leading by 52 percent to 48 percent, with 61 percent of precincts reporting.

Same-Sex Marriage Wins on the Ballot for the First Time in American History
Voters rejected a state law Tuesday that would have allowed same-sex couples to wed. The repeal comes just six months after the measure was passed by the Maine legislature and signed by the Democratic Gov. John Baldacci.

Same-sex marriage is the marriage of people of the same sex or gender. The first lawsuits involving same-sex marriage, also called gay marriage , started in the s, bringing the question of civil marriage rights for same-sex couples to public attention. Many of these lawsuits were unsuccessful. Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon become the first gay couple to marry and receive official recognition after being together for 50 years.