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Whether you're trying to hook a new guy or just want to make the dude you're seeing slightly obsessed with you, bust out these tips and he won't stand a chance. Before going out, primp until you've tapped into your inner Kate Upton. When you're looking and feeling your best, guys will sense that uberconfidence, which is practically catnip to men. Get him talking about something he loves. When a guy's talking about something he's really into, he'll get amped and subconsciously associate those feel-good vibes with you. Spritz perfume into your hair before going out, then lightly flip your locks when your guy is near. Scent is the sense that's most closely tied to memory, so he'll associate that sweetness with you as he thinks about you later.
Having sex with an ex is risky business, but it can work out for the two of you under certain circumstances. Oh god he is fucking good. I was longing for the feeling to feel well, something. I wanted the feeling of loving someone.
This article was updated April 26, , but was originally published Feb. Read an updated feature story with information on how social media is affecting teen dating here. Perhaps the thought of all those sweet young couples slow dancing under paper streamers coaxes a nostalgic sigh or two. Ah, reality.