Before you go down a complicated dating road, here are eight questions you must ask yourself. Before delving into any relationship with a non-believer, you really need to ask yourself this crucial question: who will come first, Christ or your partner? If the answer is Christ, your partner must understand that when it comes to the decisions you make, Christ comes first. Many Christians will get involved with non-Christians in hopes that one day their partner will find Christ and know Him.
Signing up agrees to our terms of use. Eddie answers questions and gives advice on issues you want to hear about. Henry, my man. Can a Christian and a non-Christian date, fall in love, be genuinely happy, get married and do great things for the world?
Can Christians Marry Non-Christians?: A Biblical Theology
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself. For more information about subscriptions, click here. No matter how you choose to word it, being single was never in my plans. Growing up in the church, I thought I had a solid understanding of how my story would play out.
It's a question that is regularly asked, but not always accurately answered. It confuses, perplexes, and even angers both Christians and non-Christians alike. It sounds elitist, holier-than-thou, and downright condescending. I'm 28 this year, I'm single, and one of the most common things I hear from my friends goes something along the lines of: "Why so picky?