Ashley Pheonix , Penelope Dilettante , and Samantha are all on a job interview. They are dressed in their interview-best clothes - sharp shirts and short skirts, all hoping to land a position in the increasingly hostile economy. Penelope arrives first, sitting on the interview couch. She is soon joined by Samantha. They exchange hellos and then soon greet Ashley as well, straightening their skirts all but Ashely , and wait for the interviewer to arrive. He soon does.
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Monday 14 October UK News feed. An executive tried to liven up a dull day at the office by stripping naked to interview a year-old woman, a court heard yesterday. Saeed Akbar, 35, said at first that it was part of his "tough interviewing technique" but later admitted that he was bored and wanted a "cheap thrill". He asked the woman, who was applying for a translator's job, if she minded if they took their clothes off.
Gorgeous brunette desperately needs this secretary job, so when she learns that the person doing the interview is actually her old classmate with a grudge, she is unable tell him "No" when he orders her to strip naked in front of him to get his revenge. Strip in one room and work in the next. No chance of her wearing a wire to record her humiliation.