They were the three words Lois never thought she would say. However, after Brian had died of old age and they had brought in the new dog Vinny, almost everything seemed to go to hell. Vinny had gotten a job himself, so he was never home like Brian was and it truthfully did not feel like they had ever even gotten a new dog. Meg had gone off to college and after Peter died, Lois decided it was best that Stewie live with her parents.
Fifty Shades Of Green: How Fanfiction Went From Dirty Little Secret To Money Machine
Welcome to No Shame November! This week we're diving into the pop culture we love that society tells us we shouldn't. Now, before your eyebrows fly right off your face looking at you, literary snobs , hear me out. Because I know. And it's true: In the multiplicity of fanfiction, there's a ship aka "relationship" for all to sail on — including even those who get off on Harry Potter fucking the Giant Squid.
How erotic fanfiction lets women explore their sexuality without shame
Lois had something on her mind that she wanted to ask Peter. I was thinking it would be nice if we could … you know … do this a little more often? It was something she had wanted to ask her husband for a long time because she had never been truly satisfied with her sex life. It was not that she didn't enjoy sex with Peter. It was that she did not have it frequently enough.
Heya, firstly thankyou very much to all my reviewers so far, please continue to review with this chapter. I hope you enjoy, :. A week on and things hadn't improved much, though Brian noticed Lois was happier than usual, and it came across by the way she acted. So full of life and constantly on a high which was something Brian hadn't seen since Peter had gone for surgery making him in her eyes handsome.