The performer is attired in a white waistcoat. He waves a parasol in front of him, and the waistcoat has changed to green. This is repeated, and the waistcoat is now yellow and then red. Then back to any of these colors, and so on, as often as you wish. Read More. This is a large platform or a stage vanish of live stock.
A new, improved and very flexible version of the classic Stiff Rope. This version of the stiff rope can be coiled around your palm to look like an ordinary rope. You can ever tie a lose knot with it. This is a very effective bit of Magic — with shades of the legendary Indian Rope […]. The cards are printed in good quality board and each set of symbols is printed in different colours. The cards measure approximately
A small, easy to carry you could carry this in your pocket visual effect, that makes a big impact. Performer displays a small, empty Flower Pot. He taps this with his Magic Wand, and instantly a small spray of flowers appears in the Pot. Read More. This is a very easy yet baffling mind reading effect which you can carry in your pocket, and perform any time, any place.
At a time when science has made almost anything seem possible and explainable, more people than ever are enjoying magic as a hobby. Stores that sell magic tricks and books report that sales have doubled in recent years, and schools have sprung up to teach aspiring magicians how to perform tricks. Ursula Mahoney is a member of the Times Sunday Magazine who couldn't resist buying a few tricks while researching this article.