Asian baby name list

Some of these cultures share similar beliefs, traditions, and even languages. This is one of the reasons why some Asian countries have peoples sharing similar names and name etymology. Many Asian countries were once occupied by European nations, which is why some countries have people in them whose names are of Greek, Latin, French, or English origin. However, for the purposes of selecting primarily Asian names, popular names influenced by colonizers have been left out of this list. Russia, however, is an exception.
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Asian Baby Names

A name can shape his character and how people act towards him, and thus this can affect his future. So when picking out a name for your baby boy, think long and hard about what his name means. And since Asia is a gigantic continent filled with different cultures, the names they bestow upon their children are just as diverse and interesting. Keep in mind that names always have a backstory. For instance, in some Asian countries, the popular names are heavily influenced by religion. This is evident in Arabic-speaking countries and in Hindu countries.
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It has a history of ancient civilizations that left a rich legacy of their traditions for the current generation. Hence, if you want to choose an Asian name for your baby, then you would have too many options. And, naming the child could be even more difficult if the parents happen to be from separate regions, countries, or race.
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Asia is one of the most diverse continents with different beautiful cultures and communities coming together and making it one. This diversity and harmony including the influence of nature and history on each of their cultures can be seen in this list of Asian names. The languages and the way of living may be completely distinct but what we can see is every culture is inspired by the surroundings, the traditions and the ancient eras.
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