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Nevada's #1 WATER PARK

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Wet 'n' Wild Palm Springs - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos) - TripAdvisor

We had an okay time here - pretty much your typical water park, just maybe not quite as nice as My kids enjoyed this water park more than others. The park was purchase recently and is closed for We had an okay time here - pretty much your typical water park, just maybe not quite as nice as some we have visited. It can get hot, so you don't want to be barefoot. Lazy river is nice and some of the slides are Took three generations of family here to beat the heat and it was a blast.
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About Wet 'n Wild

Good news, glowy skin aficionados: If you missed out on Fenty Beauty 's game-changing Body Lavas before they sold out or you're looking for a summer glow that lasts through fall, Wet n Wild has you covered with their latest launch, which promises to give you seriously glowing skin for a fraction of the price. According to Allure , they teased the "Mega Glo Body Luminizer" on their Instagram story last week ahead of making any sort of formal announcement. The clip reportedly showed models lathering their bodies in the glow-y stuff with their hands and kabuki brushes, a la Rihanna , and the product left them looking like straight-up bronzed beauties. You can mix it with your moisturizer or wear it on its own, depending how seriously you take your shimmer. If the rest of Wet n' Wild's Mega Glo Highlighter collection is any indication it's worth noting that the brand's Highlighting Palette is a personal all-time fave that I've been dusting on my chest and arms for months the new body-friendly stuff is definitely going to deliver on its promise for an all-over glow.
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With more than 36 rides and attractions, there's something for everyone…from mild to wild…from tots to seniors. It is family friendly, and the young kids mom and dad, too will have a great time in Splash Island and Happy Harbor, our two large children's areas. When you're ready to kick back and relax after enjoying the over 3 million gallons of water fun, Wet 'n Wild Emerald Pointe offers an abundance of lounge chairs and shaded areas.
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