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The former Disney star is perhaps better known for the nude photos that leaked in , when she was just 18, than any of her legitimate projects. Today, the actress tells Paper magazine that the nude photo leak was "by far the worst moment of my career. Hudgens clearly was never forced to sit through her movie "Beastly, " if she considers the photo leak to be her worst moment professionally, but we'll admit having private photos passed around online isn't anyone's idea of a good time. Now, at the age of 24, Hudgens has left all pretenses of a family-friendly image behind her and stars alongside Selena Gomez, Ashley Benson, Rachel Korine and James Franco in "Spring Breakers," due in theaters March The film follows four bikini-clad girls as they rob a fast-food restaurant in order to finance their spring break trip to Florida, and end up entangled with a drug dealer named Alien. While promoting the film, Hudgens has already revealed that shooting a threesome scene with Benson and Franco was "too much for [her] to handle," and that she had to watch topless girls make out on the beach , which provided an ultra-realistic background canvas to film against.
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Photos of Vanessa Hudgens, one of the hottest girls in entertainment and one of the hottest Disney girls who went wild. Vanessa Hudgens is an American actress and singer. As a teenager, she starred as squeaky clean teen genius Gabriella Montez on the High School Musical film series. On two separate occasions, photos of Vanessa Hudgens appeared online, sullying her Disney Channel kid-friendly image but launching her into superstardom. She is also well known for her abundant Vanessa Hudgens bikini pics. There are few girls out there as sexy, nerdy, fun and talented as Vanessa Hudgens. Hot pics are all she takes.
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By Daily Mail Reporter. Today she's pushing boundaries playing edgy roles including a prostitute and violent teen. But back in Vanessa Hudgens was a wholesome Disney star when intimate nude pictures of her were illegally leaked online.
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