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Trump, Brexit, divisive politics, the overzealous policing of raves and this general air of malaise has turned a lot of us into cynical and jaded folk — and in many ways, this seems to be mirrored in a lot of the darker music coming out. Matthias: Hi! For us it describes that moment in the studio, jamming, when it transcends from you playing the music to the music playing you — if that makes any sense. When we told [Real Soon label owner] Paul Hammond about it, he instantly liked it so we went with it.
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Not convinced that I am up for a play about cancer, I reached out and asked for an interview. When we sat down for coffee, and a very late lunch for Cheryl, we compared our experiences of ovarian cancer having taken one of the people we most love and found each other speaking the same language. It's just because I make a reference to it. I read as far back as where the metaphysical poets got their ideas from, just touching on it, to see if I could actually understand it; and it didn't send my brain into paroxysms. Because I just worried that it was going to be so difficult to actually understand.
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