Power exchange and fisting

For those of us into it, fisting can be the ultimate sexual experience. Putting yourself completely in the hands of a top can take you to a place of pure ecstasy and filth. For the top, the power exchange can be intense as you are given total control over your partner with their complete trust in you. Part of what makes fisting hot is the journey in getting there. Fisting starts with a few fingers, then the whole hand and once past the knuckles you can make a fist. For guys who are experienced bottoms, taking a fist to the wrist, then part of the forearm and all the way to the elbow is not uncommon.
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Fisting The Night Away

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Takeaway: This sex act can seem overwhelmingly extreme but for enthusiasts, it's about power, stretching boundaries and celebrating the body's abilities. I might have broken him. I had forgotten that, despite being fairly pervasive in the queer communities, intense penetration such as fisting can seem overwhelmingly extreme to some. That was probably the beginning of becoming The Fisting Guy in my group of straight friends; they come to me with their fisting jokes, anything they can find with a fist on it, and their questions.
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Power Exchange: Our First Step Into a Larger World*

What connects fisting to BDSM? Very simply, it is a power exchange. What elevates it beyond other power exchanges is that a man physically places his life, his very being, in the hand of another man. And whether fisting is part of a larger BDSM scene, or an activity in and of itself, its success always boils down to two primary words: trust and surrender.
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Have you ever felt the intensity of possessing a woman to her fullest, feeling her heartbeat from within? Touching her inner core? As a woman, have you ever experienced that sensation of being fully possessed, of opening up completely and surrendering your most intimate center? Come join me, Bear aka GrrlBear demonstrate the wonderful art of vaginal fisting.
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