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Verified by Psychology Today. Great Kids, Great Parents. Why do we still spank children? The usual answer is to get them to do what we think is best for them - i. And, yet, the answer is much more complicated.
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In 30 years without spanking, are Swedish children better behaved?

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“Spanking” Goes Viral | Psychology Today New Zealand

A male teacher who asked a female trainee if he could spank her bottom with a school paddle has been banned from teaching. The teacher, whose name is suppressed, claimed he had "a sex addiction in which he fantasised about corporal punishment between adults". The Teachers Disciplinary Tribunal has censured him and cancelled his teaching registration. A district court has also convicted him for forging two letters on a university's letterhead seeking participants for a study on corporal punishment.
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These are the countries where spanking is illegal

Verified by Psychology Today. Time outs and removing things has reportedly not worked as well as corporal punishment for Zach. According to the American Psychological Association APA , studies have shown that two-thirds of Americans still approve of parents spanking their children. This differs from the rest of the world; 30 countries ban physical punishment of children.
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CNN Most parents know the proverb, "spare the rod, spoil the child. Parenting Without Borders considers how parenting trends and methods differ -- or don't -- around the world. Chat with us in Facebook Messenger. Find out what's happening in the world as it unfolds.
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