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You sit on it all day long. You expose it to unsavory conditions in public bathrooms. You sometimes worry that it smells. But how often do you stop to appreciate all your butt does for you? The way it supports you.
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17 Ways to Show Your Butt Some Love

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Another thing science has given us for buttholes? Biological evidence of why some men love to bottom — hallelujah. The same muscles you use to hold farts in are the same that help you spunk. The kegels or pelvic floor muscles are found by trying to stop peeing mid stream or just by tightening the muscles that keep you from passing gas. Just like any muscle, doing kegel exercises can make them stronger.
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Your Complete Guide To Keeping Your Butthole Healthy

Summer is coming and you know what that means, you're gonna have a sweaty bottom for the next 3 months. Monkey butt, sweaty balls, swamp vag, call it what you want, we're here to turn that swamp ass into the great everglades. So lets get cracking at the causes of a sweaty butt and how to get rid of that smelly ass forever. When the low-lying area your butt covered by vegetation butt hairs is flooded with water sweat , the poop particles are washed out BUT stay trapped in your underwear similar to a swamp.
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Home Digestive Health. Whatever your name of choice, your booty is made up of three muscles: the gluteus medius, which sits on the side of your hip; gluteus minimus the smallest ; and the gluteus maximus—the alpha of the group, for good reason. The same is true when you lift your thighs off to the side or turn your toes outward from your hips. These actions allow you to get up, walk, climb stairs, move sideways, crouch down, or stand tall.
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