Fastest spank the monkey

Spank the monkey is a fun and funny game. The fastest of the monkey species is the black spider monkey. They can swing from tree to tree at a rate of 41 mph max speed. They can run on two feet at a rate of 38 mph, however such speeds are for a limited amount of time only. All you have to do is swing very fast.
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Spank the Monkey

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Highest Speed In "Spank The Monkey" (Online) | World Record | Joseph Kenneally

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Spank the monkey

Forgot your password? Or sign in with one of these services. I remember this from the old forum, not sure if anyone esle does. This is the classic game where you try to spank the monkey as hard and as fast as you can.
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Have You Played? One a day, every day, perhaps for all time. You can still do it now. Grip your mouse with one hand and play Spank the Monkey. Monkey was one of a spate of Flash browser games that seemed to all be about measuring the speed or distance at which you could do something.
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