Daily scriptures for teens

The problem is, we can get so caught up in doing that we forget how to do the being; we forget to look around us. Yes, our God wants us to do right things. He wants us to love kindness. The God of the Universe loves us enough to not only want our holiness, but to want our heart; He wants to walk with us through life.
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25 Encouraging Bible Verses for Teens

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25 Top Bible Verses for Teens - To Encourage!

I have three teen daughters and one more who is right on their tail. Quite a feat! God is there for you. He wants to help guide your decisions. When you pause to pray you are welcoming in His wisdom and strength.
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Spending time with God

With my first, I tried to control him. He was a reasonable child, though, easy to talk to, wanting to please. Then, I had my next. With my second, another son, I learned my heart held enough love for another.
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God is love. He shows us His love in so many ways. He shows it to us in creation, as we have food to eat, air to breathe. He shows us His love also through Jesus.
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