Share this. The multicolored Asian lady beetle Harmonia axyridis is native to Asia, but has become common throughout much of the United States. Federal, state and private entomologists have released the insect at a number of locations throughout the United States in an attempt to naturally control insect pests in trees. There are also several reports of accidental entries from international cargo ships arriving at various port cities, notably New Orleans.
Multicolored Asian lady beetles come in many different color forms. It has become common to see large numbers of lady beetles clustered around homes and other buildings during the fall. The species involved in this phenomenon Harmonia axyridis is native to eastern Asia and is called the multicolored Asian lady beetle. Lady beetles are usually considered beneficial insects, but multicolored Asian lady beetles can be a nuisance as they congregate by the thousands on the sides of buildings, and if given the opportunity, move inside.
Multicolored Asian lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis Pallas is also known as Asian lady beetle, Halloween lady beetle, and Japanese lady beetle. Larvae are blue to black with two orange stripes, and rows of small, spines on their bodies. Multicolored Asian lady beetles can be a nuisance when they occur in large numbers inside homes.
Skip to content Skip to navigation. A native of eastern Asia, the multicolored Asian lady beetle, Harmonia axyridi s, was introduced into the United States by the U. Department of Agriculture as a biological control agent.