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Carla Shynkaruk , Videojournalist. The decision comes after the elimination of hitting at the peewee level in , which Saskatoon Minor Hockey executive director Kelly Boes said is working. There's a lot less injuries, less concussions, kids get to hold onto the puck more, have a little more fun, have a little more skill level. Saskatchewan is one of the last provinces to ban checking contact at these levels and Pilot said it shows in the product that comes out of the province. Featured false. Video of fork-lift carrying dead animal goes viral Air Date: October 13,
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How did R Kelly create the world's strangest soap opera?

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R. Kelly Releases Chapter 23 of Trapped in the Closet Video

Today is no different. After five years of R. Kelly-less life, fans have been left with an unfulfilled and unhealthy need for a new story of sex, deceit, and of course, a midget in a cabinet. Well, the wait is over.
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I used to play the latest episodes of Trapped in the Closet on a laptop, on a school bus, with three or four friends leering over my shoulder and shoving their knuckleheads to my speakers. At 17 years old, I was hooked on the interminable drama of R. Kelly 's "hip hopera," his magnum opus, Play withstanding. All the groundbreaking narrative techniques that critics attribute to David Simon 's The Wire , in fact, predate to Trapped in the Closet , right down to Michael Kenneth Williams ' recurring role as a police officer who's introduced in Episode 6 of R.
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Today's DVD release for the second volume of R Kelly's Trapped in the Closet has been billed - admittedly by R Kelly himself - as "the year's biggest pop culture event". That's a bold claim, but then the success of Kelly's baffling self-styled " hip-hopera " seems to have spiralled in a way that not even its creator, a man not given to modesty, could have predicted. Each of its 12 "episodes" used precisely the same backing music, but it was difficult to pay attention to anything other than the wildly convoluted plot, which has so far involved an outbreak of mass cuckoldry, a shooting, the outing of a gay pastor and a dwarf stripper called Big Man.
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