Pantyhose and strappy heels

A year or two ago, most people would have answered this question with a simple "no. One of the reasons people have resisted the idea of wearing nylons and open-toed shoes is that hose have a tendency to get bunched at the toes. Since the whole point to strappy sandals is to show off your feet, you don't want to call attention to an unattractive attribute such as bunchy nylon toes. Many women are not comfortable with the "bare leg" look, and I don't believe they should be denied sexy, strappy shoes.
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Is it a fashion no-no to wear pantyhose with open toe shoes or strappy heel sandals?

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Not a member? Sign up to chat about style and share outfits with a friendly community. Read about what to wear and how to wear it on the YLF Blog. Join the YLF Forum to ask specific questions or just chat about fashion and personal style. Or check out the curated list of things we love in YLF Finds. The answer is yes. From basic sheer hose and dainty micro-fishnets, to self-colour patterns, opaques, and texture-rich tights.
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Is it OK to wear sandals with tights? And Sandals with Socks?

To wear or not to wear sandals with tights. We know for a fact that many people out there wear hosiery all year round. This is what you have to take into account to wear sandals with tights and, of course, sandals with socks in style.
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Some forums can only be seen by registered members. I'm going to a work event and wearing a cocktail dress and strappy dress sandals. I've always worn stockings with a cocktail dress. What's the rule about stockings with sandal type of shoes?
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