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Okay this site is fake and a scam this site was a scam set up to catch you and con you out of your money based on your desires. No real adress let's think here. I did my home work these con artist are in the USA and international they have inside people that bypass regulations and they have people lying on there behalf giving out fake reviews. The Government and authorities really don't check out these web companies this is a fact because I talked to higher ups in this field who have no idea how these crooks are operating this is an out right lie because they no that it's an unregulated industry.
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AdultFriendFinder Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of

Woods Anonymous. I have used most of the popular adult dating sites out their and I found most of them are full of scammers. Of the 10 or so years I have used these type of sites there have always been scammers. It has gotten worse in the last few but you can still fine some real members if you look carefully. It does not matter how fast these hookup sites get rid of the scammers either as more just get added, most likely the same people but just using a different email address.
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AdultFriendFinder Review: Does it actually get you laid?

Adult FriendFinder AFF is an internet-based, adult-oriented social network, online dating service and swinger personals community website , founded by Andrew Conru in In AFF was one of the most popular sites in the United States [ citation needed ] ; its competitors include sites such as Match. In , Andrew Conru created the first online dating site, [ citation needed ] WebPersonals.
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AdultFriendFinder caters to an adult audience and has content to satisfy all of your sexual fantasies. With over 80 million members all over the world, AdultFriendFinder is one of the largest adult casual dating sites worldwide. Originated in the United States, this dating platform helps its users find suitable sex partners through its many contacting features and functionality.
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