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Her right foot measures I reached my eventual magnificent size at around years old. Naturally, this has made shoe shopping a bit of a problem. Indeed, she rarely goes into shoe shops because there's nothing that fits Julie and her mum once went to a trade fair and still couldn't find anything!
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The Struggle For Women With Big Feet | PedisBox

Like regular street shoes, tennis shoe sizing is based on the length and width of your foot. Determining your proper shoe size is essential to a comfortable fit. The following measurement tips are valuable aids in getting an accurate reading on your own feet. If you already know your shoe size, we recommend that you skip this process and order the size that you normally wear. If the shoe has a different fit, it will be noted on the product page. The shape of your feet changes over time.
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Woman with world's biggest female feet gets her custom-made size 15 wedding shoes

I learned early in life that some things are just out of your control. Take my feet, for example. Each foot was literally a foot long! For some reason, probably because I was insecure, I was terribly embarrassed about them. There were plenty of diet and exercise programs to help people lose inches off their waists but none designed to take inches off their feet.
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JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Finding your child's shoe size online couldn't be easier.
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