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The term "stoner" has long been synonymous with high school burnouts, collegiate-level slackers, and a handful of other male "underachiever" stereotypes. Of late, the word has gotten a make-over—a glamming up, if you will—thanks in part to the female cannabis lovers who are leading the marijuana industry's growth and stepping in to reclaim and normalize the once-loaded term. We spoke with seven women, all hailing from different social and professional backgrounds, about what it means to be a stoner, and how they're dispelling the negative connotations of the female smoker. I was a late bloomer. I started smoking at 24, and I'm 30 now.
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Although technically a kids film, originally this movie was supposed to be a lot more adult. From blatant weed smoking references to a Daphne and Velma kiss, we can only mourn what could have been a much different Scooby Doo: The Movie. Yet when we analyse what did become of this live action kids film, we are still left with a mainly gender-neutral representation of stoner culture. Shaggy and Scooby, man and dog, are lovable, cowardly idiots: But so is Mary Jane — the aptly named stoner girl of this movie.
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Weed Girls is a community for cannabis lovers—a place to experience the sensual side of marijuana. Cannabis society is made up mostly of men. Thanks to our Weed Girls, we give voice to the feminine side of marijuana use. Female cannabis users are becoming more and more common all the time. Discover and get to know our newest models.
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