Thank goodness for all the useful knowledge I acquired through reading teenage magazines not long ago. How to seduce your fave lad! Look like your favourite celebrity! Make his friends like you! Have a free lip gloss!
Teenage magazines are guilty of sexualising children
Swingin' Sixties Teen Magazines!
Most teen magazines did. Here, we look back at all the teen magazines that have folded for one reason lame cover stars? It was so much more than that. It was founded by a bodybuilder who also manufactured workout supplements. Instead of offering tips for getting skinny and wooing boys, it ran stories about playing sports and being buff.
Mizz Magazine, unofficial style bible for pre-teen and barely teenage girls, sells , copies every fortnight. Close rival Shout sells , Those nostalgic for the Chalet School, Malory Towers, backstreet abortions and formal presentation at court are outraged by their sassy mix of boys, bands, beauty and practical advice on snogging, periods and personal hygiene.
Christian magazines for teens are a great way to both get your kids reading, and to get them thinking about important Christian ideas. Actually, there are quite a few available! Your middle school students are going to want to read Christian magazines that are written just for young teens, but your high school students will likely be ready for deeper reading in adult Christian magazines.