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Mousequerade 11 a. Disney Legends 30th Anniversary p. Hosted by Whoopi Goldberg, the extravaganza will feature Lesley Ann Warren, Karen Dotrice, and other renowned guest stars, live musical performers, and a voice chorus. Legends of Walt Disney Imagineering 6 p.
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Disney owns Lilo and Stitch and I do not. This is just something that has been bouncing around in my head for a while. Please review it after it has been read. All of the characters are aged up to legal standards by the way.
Originally an illegal genetic experiment created by mad alien scientist Dr. Jumba Jookiba to cause chaos across the galaxy , he is marked by his short temper and mischievous behavior traits that endear him to his friend Lilo, who adopted him as her " dog ". He is voiced by his creator and the film's co-writer and co-director, Chris Sanders , in all official media, except the Stitch! Lilo Pelekai LEE-loh literally, "lost" in Hawaiian [1] is the other title character of the franchise.