Whether you're considering a career in modelling or you're a professional model needing to update your model portfolio you'll find a range of options as well as helpful industry advice by scrolling down this page. This advice includes tips on how to break into the industry as well as preparation advice on how to get the most out of your model portfolio session with me. I'm excited to be able to share this inside knowledge with you and guide those with no previous experience through this process step by step. Aside from my two decades of experience as a fashion photographer, I've also been fortunate to have worked on the other side of the camera as a professional model myself with leading agencies like Chic, Vivien's and Elite Models.
Professional Model Portfolio Photoshoot At Our London Studio
Simple snapshots are all you need in order to find out if a modeling agency is interested in representing you. However, if an agency is interested in you, but it is not quite ready to sign on the dotted line, the agency may ask you to build your book a little bit more or work on developing your look. For a new model, this can be very confusing if they have no idea what the agency is looking for or what it all really means.
Starting as a teenager is actually very common in the industry. Tyra Banks began modelling at just 15! Always keep in mind that the purpose of a modelling portfolio is not only to show your good looks, but it should also demonstrate your ability to portray different characters, age ranges and personality. These are the things you will need, but may not be directly mentioned in pre-shoot communications. You should know that your modeling portfolio is a true first impression of yourself as a model.